Mill Road Winter Fair

Today was the annual Mill Road Winter Fair in Cambridge. Mill Road is a street near us full of little shops and restaurants. During the Winter Fair the road is closed to traffic and many of the shops set up food stands and craft tables, and there are street performers along the whole length of the road.

I spent the morning running the tombola (raffle) table at the charity bookshop where I volunteer each week. The table was set up on the sidewalk, so I could hear the live musicians playing across the street, and I had a prime spot for people watching!

Matt met me at the bookshop just after lunch and we spent the afternoon wandering down the street to check out the festivities. The street was completely full of people – we were both really surprised at how busy it was! It was really fun to see so many people out supporting some great local shops and enjoying winter in Cambridge.

There were a lot of people in costume – some to advertise for companies or charities, and some just for fun!
Here’s Peppa Pig, a popular children’s cartoon character
And a group of Roman soldiers for some reason…?
Trying to stay warm at the Tombola table
A view of the crowds – by mid-day almost the entire street was this busy!
A group of dancers along the road with jingle bells strapped to their knees
A fantastic jazz band
A quick look at some of the shops and food stands along the road
A community group doing Tai Chi in the middle of Mill Road

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